1. Make Chicken coop: now that I have chickies I have to make a house for them before they get too big.
I plan to make it look like a combination of these: *all these pictures come from members from backyardchickens.com

this is by trictle http://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=49209

by happychickengirls http://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=51786-our-coop

by Deena in Fremont, Indiana http://www.backyardchickens.com/web/viewblog.php?id=16313-a-real-chickenhaus
sigh...but I am not a carpenter at all...
2. Clean up the garden and start raised beds with vegetables and such...

This is a super small raised vegetable garden from Sunset.
Anyone also hear of square foot gardening by Mel Bartholomew? Just heard of this awesome idea!! Working on that too. Haha...apparently I am late to this old news...it's been around since 1980's I think. Oh well, it's never too late!!

These are Morning Glories beautifully climbing up a rope trellis posted by gochrisgo75 on Brooklyn Roof Garden blog.
and...of course...
3. Etsy shop:
continue to work on my etsy shop but that is last on my list for the moment. Haha! Right now I have chicks and plants that need a home and they are growing fast and must be moved to a bigger habitat! Work Work Work for the GardenPig and her sister!!
Those chicken coops are so cute!
Ha, ha. I'm trictle and that's my coop. Thanks for the compliment. I'd be happy to give you some tips if you need them. Just shoot me a message via the backyardchickens website.
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